Saturday, February 24, 2007

But, would you dip your balls in it?

Appearantly there is this tea rating blog. It is called "But, would you dip your balls in it". In my creativity I created this picture that they have failed to post. I will take my liberty to post it here. So here it is, in all its glory...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Wow, Another Photo Challenge...

My pictures have yet to be published on Rick's webiste. Perhaps one of these will make their way on it. As to who they are? Why its Garth and Turner! As to what they do? Transport monkeys in shopping carts and play in a rock band. Party on Turner, Party on Garth!

Its a Rick Mercer Photo Challenge

It has been too long since I have posted any new works here. I have been inspired by the latest few Rick Mercer photo challenges. The first one was of John Baird, our Environmental Minister. So which is the better? For the original visit Rick Mercer's website at .