Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Better Career Move or the Blatant Truth?

I don't think that it is too far off the mark. This one was commisioned by John from the Paul and John Review. I cannot claim the inspiration for this one but you would have to admit that Dick Cheney makes a great penguin. Danny DiVito, eat your heart out!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Presenting... Guy Not Appearing in this Blog!!

So really, its not Jean Chretien and, no, he is not in this blog. Perhaps at a later date but then that would make this a paradox? Whats with the rubber chicken? I guess it adds to the humor. Thanks, Monty Python and your quest for the Holy Grail...


Friday, August 18, 2006

George Eats a Banana...

The first question, is there a manly way to eat a banana? I really don't think there is but I am sure that George Dub-yah here knows that there is. The second question, a banana republic or rubber chicken democracy?

Remeber to Vote Conservative...

If this doesn't make you want to vote Conservative, I don't know what will. Anybody else have a better caption? How about, "Vote Conservative"?

Open to Interpretation...

Dont think there is much for me to do or say except that its our good friends, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. Perhaps someone should do a background check on these guys...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Salute to a Hero...

"Here's to democracy, may we get the government we deserve!" How true, eh? As if words weren't loud enough, we had to give him a gun. Desert Eagle .50. Don't mess with Rick, he means business!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Izzy at His Finest...

"Hmmm... I wonder what this does?" Go, Izzy, go! Lets stay tuned and see what else he does... There is more to come!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Harper... A Republican?

He cartainly looks like a republican... thoughts or comments?

Stephen Harper Takes a Stand...

There has been great debate if this is actually true. Someone hacked into the Toronto GoTrain network and changed all their displays to state, "Stephen Harper eats babies." I believe that we are all capable of drawing our own conclusions... We know that it is true...

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Truth Behind Canadian - US Relations...

Here is Canadian Propaganda at its finest, Stephen Harper and George W. Bush enjoying some beers. The funny thing is that it is true, Canadian beer is far superior than their American counterparts. C'mon, really, who drinks Bud Light?

Somewhere on the Canadian - US border...

Our leaders, Stephen Harper and George W. Bush, have taken it upon themselve to meet secretly at an undisclosed location to discuss matters of national security...

Welcome to Canadian Propaganda...

Greetings, I am Shartacus. Creator of shart art. This blog is dedicated to my unnatural feats of photoshop editing, the fruits of my boredom and creativity. It is filled with my unusual brand of humor, satire and irony... an acquired taste. I will try too keep the images coming and feel free to leave a comment or send a message.

Teh Shartist,
Shartacus - Master of Sharts